mFund by ASX
mFund is a settlement service developed by the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), and enables investors to buy and sell units in selected unlisted managed funds directly with the mFund issuer via a stockbroker or advisory services used to transact shares or other ASX products.
It is an electronic processing system for settling transactions of unlisted managed funds through the Clearing House Electronic Subregister System (CHESS) and is designed to replace the traditional paper application process for unlisted managed fund transactions.
Your holdings in these funds (mFunds CHESS holdings) are held electronically and can be linked to the same Holder Identification Number (HIN) used to hold other investments transacted through ASX, such as shares.
That means you can track your managed fund investments using the same systems you use for shares and other securities.
The following Alphinity funds are now available on the mFund platform:
- Alphinity Australian Share Fund (mFund code ALH01)
- Alphinity Concentrated Australian Share Fund (mFund code ALH02)
- Alphinity Sustainable Share Fund (mFund code ALH03)
How to Invest
Applications and redemptions in mFund products can be made through a participating stockbroker or advisory services used to transact shares or other ASX products. Click here for details of participating mFund brokers.
More Information
To find out more about the service, please visit the mFund website.