Global Fund
Investing in leading global companies at the right time
In a fast-moving world, the search for alpha can be elusive. That’s why it pays to invest in experience.
The Alphinity Global Equity Fund (Managed Fund) (ASX: XALG) offers a select portfolio of leading global companies identified as undervalued as they enter an earnings upgrade cycle. Our deeply experienced global team combines fundamental research and specific quantitative factors to construct a concentrated ‘best ideas’ portfolio. Highly diversified across countries, sectors and currency, the Fund provides access to global opportunities and diversification not readily available to individual Australian investors. The Alphinity Global Equity Fund (Managed Fund) (ASX: XALG) is now available on the ASX, discover more here.
The global team also manage the Alphinity Global Sustainable Equity Fund – a portfolio of leading global companies which have a net positive alignment to the United Nations Sustainable Development goals, exceed Alphinity’s minimum ESG criteria and offer attractive prospective returns. Find out more here.
Invest in a world of opportunity today.