Alphinity called out as Responsible Investment Leader
Alphinity has been included as a Responsible Investment Leader by the Responsible Investment Association Australasia in its landmark study launched today. This recognises our commitment to responsible investing and attributes as an investment manager.
The Responsible Investment Benchmark Report Australia 2021 show the market for responsible investments in Australia has continued to soar in popularity to $1.2 trillion in 2020, with responsible investment assets growing at 15 times the rate that overall Australian professionally managed investments have grown.
The study shows that the proportion of responsible investment AUM to total managed funds grew from 31% to 40% in 2020, despite there only being a 2% increase in all professional managed funds in Australia over the same period.
This shift is being fuelled by changing consumer expectations, strong financial performance and the rising materiality of different social and environmental issues – from climate change to racial inequity.
Investment managers committed to responsible investment and leading practice are seeing money moving across into their funds, while those with ineffective policies and poor processes are being left behind as the capital moves out. The message is clear. It’s not good enough to simply claim you’re investing responsibly. If you’re not doing it well, then there’s a high risk of losing business.
The report shows that just one quarter of investment managers in Australia are practising a leading approach to responsible investment, highlighting a continuing gap between investment managers that claim to be practising responsible investing and those that can demonstrate they are.
Read the report here: